604 Now

A Giant Full Moon Named After A Fish Will Illuminate Metro Vancouver This Week

Sturgeon Full Moon

Photo: Kelvin Kwan DG / 604 Now Flickr Pool

Legend has it that they make people and animals act a little strange, but Metro Vancouverities love a full moon.

For one, they cast an incredible yellow glow over the city waters, and and they positively illuminate the sky. What’s more, each one gets an interesting name; however, August’s full moon has an especially peculiar title.

Known as the Sturgeon or Blueberry Full Moon, the lunar event takes place on Sunday, August 26th. As a result, this will be when the moon is at its most magnificent, and stargazers may view it in all its celestial glory.

RELATED: Vancouver Full Moon Morning Beach Party

Sturgeon Full Moon

The Sturgeon is a massive, prehistoric-looking fish found in the waters of many Canadian lakes. What’s more, these incredible creatures reach lengths of up to 12 feet! As such, they are truly unique creatures, and some even live up to 50 or 60 years.

The moon, however, was attributed to the time that the fish were ripe for catching.

“August’s Full Moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon because Native American tribes knew that the sturgeon in the Great Lakes and in Lake Champlain were most readily caught during the Full Moon,” reports the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

In order to see the moon most clearly, stargazers should opt to travel outside of city limits; light pollution from the city lights obscures the view.

One great spot is Porteau Cove, a provincial park about halfway in between Vancouver and Squamish. In addition, higher elevations provide optimal vantage points to avoid lights below.


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