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New Star Wars Movie Inspires Lightsaber Training In Stanley Park (Video)

Star Wars The Force Awakens Inspires Lightsaber Training In Stanley Park (Video)

The light side of the Force, or the dark side of the Force, that is the question.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the seventh and much anticipated film in the series is breaking records left, right and center. Pre-sales, advanced tickets, opening day and worldwide opening records are all smashed.

Commercial success also extends to merchandise as Wall Street analysts expect $5-6 billion in worldwide merchandise sales from books and toys to mac n’ cheese and cosmetics.

The epic space opera that is Star Wars inspired this Jedi and Sith lightsaber training video filmed in Vancouver’s beloved Stanley Park over 2 days:

The ode to Star Wars is by Kuma Films and features Daniel Musashi and David Barron performing contact sword skills.


Written by: Amar Mirchandani @amarmirch

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